study in sweden

Sweden is a country located in Northern Europe bordering the Baltic Sea, Gulf of Bothnia, Kattegat, and Skagerrak. … Sweden has a mixed economic system in which there is a variety of private freedom, combined with centralized economic planning and government regulation.

Why study in Sweden


  1. Internationally Renowned Education System:

The quality and international standing of the Swedish education system needs no explanation, with Universities consistently ranked among the best in the world. The addition of one of its fine institutions would be an excellent addition to any student’s academic CV.

  1. No Language Barrier

While the official language of Sweden is Swedish, a rich and beautiful language, in 2017 Swedes ranked second in the world for skills in English as a second language. As the world becomes increasingly connected and businesses seek to expand beyond national and linguistic boundaries, Sweden offers an excellent location to learn and develop your English language skills.

  1. Beautiful Nature

See the cosmic wonder of the Northern lights or the endless summer days. Sweden’s geographic location creates a perfect environment for natural aesthetic extremes.

  1. Home to International Business

For students who wish to seek internships or work experience, look no further than one of Sweden’s many internationally-renowned businesses.

  1. The Swedish Way of Life

Lagom, the Swedish ethos of ‘just enough’ infiltrates all aspects of life, from their study life balance to their holidays and traditions. It’s no surprise then that Swedish design, made famous by the furniture retailer, IKEA, relies so heavily on minimalism and functionality.