study in france

France is one of Europe’s largest countries. It is bordered by six countries other nations: Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg to the northeast, Switzerland and Italy to the southeast and Spain to the southwest. The United Kingdom borders France via the English Channel. The country is considered to be the gateway to Europe as there are several large international airports (two of these can be found in Paris), ferry terminals and the French rail service. It is easy to say that French people love to cook and love their food.


Reasons to Study Abroad in France

  1. Birthplace of Culture: The French pride themselves on their cultural influence. It’s easy to see why!

Just think of all the contributions the French have made to society through the ages—chic fashion, sophisticated art house films, ornate decorative arts, to-die-for pastries, and, of course, some of the world’s best wines.

  1. (Nearly) Unlimited Choices: France is home to an impressive 3,500 institutions of higher education!

That means your choice of schools, programs, and locations are almost unlimited. Take advantage and let your imagination run wild.

  1. Not Just Paris—although Paris is Great Too: If you’d prefer to trade in the fast-paced sophistication of Paris for a study abroad destination that allows you to slow down and appreciate the simpler enjoyments of France, there are several other cities that may be more to your liking.
  2. Once you’re There, Enjoy the Weather: A vast majority of France enjoys a temperate climate for most of the year due to its prime location.

Students who do not like extreme temperatures will, therefore, find the weather in France extremely comfortable.

  1. And Don’t Forget the Food: Fine wine and cuisine remains one of France’s biggest influences on the world.

Whether it was a glass of champagne on New Year’s Eve, a flaky croissant from a local patisserie, or some creamy brie on a slice of baguette, few can say they’ve never experienced the taste of France. Food plays a huge role in French society, and as an international student, you will not be disappointed.

  1. Never a Dull Day: As an international student on a budget, you will want to find a place where you can enjoy your new city without breaking the bank.

France is your answer.

No matters where you study in France, there are plenty of chances to use your student status for free or discounted entrance into some of the world’s most famous attractions.

  1. Land of the Chic: If going out in sweatpants is your aesthetic, a study abroad experience in France will definitely help you increase your fashion game.

France boasts some of the most classic fashion brands in the world (think Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, Dior, Givenchy, and the list continues). With such huge fashion icons, it’s no wonder that the French pride themselves on their appearance.

  1. Parlez-vous français? If you haven’t already, you should try learning one of the world’s most beautiful languages—French. And what better way to do that than to study French in France?

But, if language learning is not your strength, no worries! There are still many programs to choose from conducted entirely in English.

  1. France, the Gateway to Europe: Did you know that France borders six separate countries?

With so many international neighbors, you will not only get to explore France but also many other European countries, like Germany and Spain.

Plus, France’s transportation system is affordable, efficient, and extensive. Therefore, whether by plane, train, or automobile, you can travel the world, even if you’re an international student on a budget.